So, it's been ages. But I'm back again, and this time, hopefully, it's for real. This blog is changing themes a little bit as my life does the same - for the next five months, I'm leaving New York and moving to Edinburgh, Scotland to study English literature at the University of Edinburgh!
I'm headed out all alone - my dad is traveling with me for the first few days, but after that, it's all me, as I don't know a single person headed here this semester. Beyond that, I'm studying at a school that feels way out of my comfort zone with over 35,000 students (for reference, my school at home has 2,500) and a ranking as seventeenth best university in the world (my school at home isn't even the seventeenth best in the country). But, I'm excited as well. I've got friends all around Europe this semester (London, Paris, Madrid, Germany), and plans to make the most of this experience.
Hopefully, I'll be blogging regularly while I'm abroad and hopefully I'll be back here with success stories. New year, new country, probably the same me. But maybe I'll come back a little different. Who knows.
Catch ya on the other side of the Atlantic!
xx g
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Aaaaaaaaa 😀 I'm so excited to read more this is perfect