A Few Changes

Friday, April 29, 2016

Hi! A little change has happened around here today - my url has gone from gwenalmighty (which, if no one caught it, was totally a shameless rip off of the One Direction song Girl Almighty) to my shiny new gweninbetween. Here's why:

tbh if only my life was half as exciting as this show

life's a tangled web (of cellphone calls and hashtag, 'i don't know's)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Travel posts are turning out to be much more intimidating and harder to complete than I had anticipated. While I work on them, I thought I'd put together a quick post about the 5 Seconds of Summer concert I went to last night in Glasgow. 

Sort of Review: Dream A Little Dream

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

While I slowly but surely work on two long posts about my recent travels (my St. Patrick's Day trip to Ireland and my spring break to France, Portugal, and Spain) I thought I would drop by quickly to talk about a book I finished on my flight back to Scotland.

my spring break looked a lot like this

I've made a previous post about Giovanna Fletcher, in which I talked about how she basically lives my dream life and inspires me, daily, to work on being what I want. I also admitted in that post that, while Giovanna inspires me and is quite successful, I don't always love her writing. My opinion on her writing is, of course, totally irrelevant, but I thought I'd share my feelings anyway because her books always get me thinking.